23 Aug Time Turned Fragile
It’s been awhile, I apologize. The past four months have been some of the busiest and craziest of my life. The past two weeks have been some of the most humbling. I’ll spare you the sappy details, but life always has a way of keeping you in check and reminding you of what’s really important.
I’ve been working on a lot of awesome projects, some of which I will be sharing in the near future, but for now – eye candy from the past couple of weeks.
Michigan Central Station – Detroit, MI.
In Fear & Faith for Alternative Press
Hollywood Hills
Aaron Stern of D.R.U.G.S. – San Diego Warped Tour
Craig Owens of D.R.U.G.S. – San Diego Warped Tour
Motion City Soundtrack at House of Blues Hollywood.
Awesome friends + their ridiculously good looking kids.